Community Links
Below we have listed community resources that you may find useful in the City of Grayson and nearby cities.
Gwinnett County Public Library
Please visit the following link for information on the hours of operation for the Gwinnett County libraries.
Gwinnett County Chamber of Commerce
Information on businesses, churches, private schools and events in Gwinnett County.
Gwinnett County Public Schools
Gwinnett County Public Schools, located in the metro-Atlanta area, is the largest school system in Georgia and continues to grow as the system welcomes approximately 6,000 new students each year. In fact, one of every five Gwinnett County residents is a GCPS student.
Gwinnett County Government
This is your source for news, information and links about Government in Gwinnett County, Georgia.
Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful
Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful, along with its community partners, builds and sustains a healthier, safer, more livable Gwinnett.The non-profit organization involves more than 150,000 volunteers a year on community issues including recycling, waste management, air and water quality, litter, graffiti, greenspaces and neighborhood improvement. Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful educates individuals using science and reason to improve Gwinnett’s environment through their individual actions.
Clean Water Campaign
The Clean Water Campaign is a collaborative public education initiative that brings together local, state and federal government agencies, environmental and community groups and corporate partners who all share the common vision of protecting water quality in metro Atlanta.
Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources – Drought Management
Gwinnett County is the water utility provider for the City of Grayson. The City of Grayson supports the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources on their efforts to promote water conservation and to follow the requirements of the State of Georgia’s Drought Management Rule. In 2015, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Board adopted new drought management rules related to outdoor water use, replacing former rule provisions and the 2003 Drought Management Plan. These new rules require specific drought response strategies during different levels of declared droughts. For specific information on the current drought level and watering restrictions, please click the link below:
Gwinnett County Transit
Gwinnett County Transit was formed in 2000 to provide express, local and para transit services for the people of Gwinnett County.
Gwinnett Courts
Gwinnett Courts is designed to be the central source of court information for the Gwinnett County judicial system. The web site isthe result of a cooperative effort of all the judicial agencies serving Gwinnett County.
Gwinnett Convention and Visitors Bureau
The GCVB is a non-profit organization dedicated to marketing Gwinnett County.
Gwinnett Historical Society
The Gwinnett Historical Society’s major projects include the preservation of the Elisha Winn House; the enhancement of the Elisha Winn House Museum, the development of a historic interpretive educational program depicting life in Gwinnett County in the early 1800’s, cataloguing and protection of Gwinnett’s cemeteries; publication of historical data on Gwinnett County; and increasing GHS library holdings of printed and microfilm material relating to the history of Gwinnett County, surrounding counties and states.
Gwinnett Employment
Services and information to help you get the most out of your job search and your career.
Gwinnett Interactive Map (GIS)
State of Georgia Government
Online access to Georgia State Government.
Masonic Lodge #549
Aside from annually providing the best BBQ around for Grayson Day, the Grayson Masonic Lodge is extremely active in the community. Meetings are held in downtown Grayson on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. All Masons are welcome. For more information, visit their website.